Zohoor Al Reef Trading Company v. Adi Azar WIPO Case No. D2021-0302 UDRP Decision 1. The Parties The Complainant is Zohoor Al Reef Trading Company, Saudi Arabia, represented by Astura AARPI, France. The Respondent is Adi Azar, United … [Continue reading] about Zohoor Alreef loses UDRP claim upon Zohoor.com
ARM Limited files over 20 UDRP matters including few over 3L domains
ARM Limited having it's website at www.arm.com since the last 20 years and have few registered Trademark for the term since 1998-99 over ARM and other similar marks - 'Net+ARM', 'ARM Powered', 'ARM9TDMI' and so on. It mainly operates in the field of … [Continue reading] about ARM Limited files over 20 UDRP matters including few over 3L domains
Correiodamanhamoz.com saved in UDRP as Respondent known by the domain
Portugal based Complainant Company is a Libson Stock Exchange listed media Company and has rights in the mark since 1991. Respondent Mr. Refinaldo Chilengue did not file a formal response but had responded to a Complainant's Cease & Desist letter … [Continue reading] about Correiodamanhamoz.com saved in UDRP as Respondent known by the domain
OTP Bank’s UDRP claim to OTPGROUP.com denied
Hungray's OTP Bank came up with it's first UDRP, claiming exclusive rights to the common acronym OTP, as using various combinations, starting with OTP like OTP Bank, OTP eBiz, OTP Direct, OTP Junior, OTP Startup, etc. OTP Bank mainly has presence in … [Continue reading] about OTP Bank’s UDRP claim to OTPGROUP.com denied
Wedi.com saved in UDRP against WEDI GmbH, Germany
Wedi GmbH v. Dong Jin Kim [UDRP Case No Case No. D2020-2608] The German Company Wedi GmbH brought complaint over the 4L (four letter) domain name WEDI.com. The disputed domain name was registered in August 2000 by the Respondent while the … [Continue reading] about Wedi.com saved in UDRP against WEDI GmbH, Germany